Want the straight scoop, as it pertains to you, your child, without the group dynamic?
If one-on-one is more your style, consider booking a private consultation with me. Together we will sit down and discuss your needs, go over all your options, and customize a personal Public School Action Plan for your family.
To meet individually, I charge $99 for the first hour, and $45 for additional half-hour increments. Sessions take between an hour and two hours depending on your needs. To make it easy, I can come to you. Ask as many questions as you like. This is YOUR time!
As far as scheduling goes, please let me know if you are interested in a mid-week evening, a mid-day slot, or during the weekend, and ideally how soon you would like to meet. Then we can begin to narrow down some dates. Email me at GoMama@mac.com.
Thanks and I look forward to speaking with you!